Today is an Holy Convocation unto the
LORD[Whom is YAHWEH]: The True Sabbath of the Lord. Of we shall
proclaim to be Holy Convocations in their seasons.
Let's rest this day and keep it holy
and be not Sabbath-breakers. Hallelu-Yah [Praise be to YAHweh—God]
Scriptural Reference: Genesis 2:2-3,
Exodus 20:8-11, Leviticus 23:3-4, Hebrews 4:9-11.
~Praise the LORD Yahweh in Jesus Name
and keep His Holy Days as Appointed~
A song of beautiful worship unto our
Yahweh our Lord [Yahweh is God's Name]:
“Oh I seek, only to see Your Face
I don't want to go anywhere
without You God, without Your Presence
Oh let me see Your Face
The beauty of Your Holiness, God
Take me into the Holy Place”
I don't want to go anywhere
without You God, without Your Presence
Oh let me see Your Face
The beauty of Your Holiness, God
Take me into the Holy Place”
“Take us into the Holy Place
Take us into the Holy Place
Tonight “
Take us into the Holy Place
Tonight “
“Purify Our Hearts God”
“Let the flame of Your Heart
Become the flame upon our heart tonight God
(ohh) Take us in [to the Holy Place]”-some lyrics
Become the flame upon our heart tonight God
(ohh) Take us in [to the Holy Place]”-some lyrics
O may our praise and desire be unto Him
with a desperate cry to come deeper and deeper in Him Amen!
I hope you all have a peaceful and
blessed Sabbath day today (Saturday) with Yahweh our God and His Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ. May we seek the baptism of the Holy Ghost and
fire (Matthew 3:11, Luke 3:16).
May the peace, love, healing and the
protection of God our Father be upon you all with burning hearts
after His Truth through our Lord Jesus Christ, His Son. Amen.